W E L C O M E   T O   

C H I L D R E N ' S   M I N I S T R Y !

Children are our priority and our hope and prayer is that they connect with Jesus! Through a loving, nurturing

church community, our desire is to teach, train, equip, encourage, care and protect our children.

If you are NEW to our community and would like to know about our events, please sign up HERE.

VOLUNTEERS- If you are interested in helping out with sabbath school and in our ministry, please fill out this form.



Together, let's create a welcoming place for connections!

Children’s Ministry is updating the Kids Courtyard by the grassy area. We have some updating needs in the children’s area

because we are expanding and growing! The Kids Courtyard is a space we want to use for our ministry needs.


Close your eyes and picture with me an image that may help you visualize our dream! Imagine coming back to church and hearing laughter and giggles before even rounding the corner from the alleyway. Families are visiting, eating together and enjoying each other’s company as kids safely play in a secure area. Can you see it? Making the wonderful outdoor patio space useable for potlucks, meetings, gatherings and ministry is our priority. We want you to be a part of this project! 

Your gift, no matter the size, is deeply appreciated! $5 or $500 or $5,000, we are grateful!


(click on Children's Ministry to donate to this project)

who we are...

Loma Linda University Church believes every family should experience Jesus' incredible love. We invite everyone that steps through the doors of our church to share time with us each week as we worship every Saturday morning. Check out the rest of our site, and hopefully you'll get a good idea of what we're all about!